I've been absent for no other reasons than life happens. There seems to be so much to do when retired.

My DH has had some other medical issues to deal with, and delt, they have been. Me, too. Nothing worthy of documentation, yet keeping us busy.

I didn't post more about our vacation to the mid-west. I might pull out a photo or two before I sign off today. Last weekend we took a quick jaunt to the last of the East Coast states we hadn't visited, so Rhode Island is now off the table! We've nine states to go. 

Custer State Park always delivers bison.

You might recognize the guys in the background.

A look into Badlands,

Including my favorite big horn sheep.

Outside of the Corn Palace.

And finally, the Big Spoon with Cherry in Minneapolis.


  1. Looks like you had a good trip! LOVE the sculpture of the big spoon w/the cherry!

    HUGS and wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday!


  2. Great pictures, thanks for sharing and great to see you too. Hugs - Alicia

  3. Yep, I’ve gotta get myself (& my ponies) up to those Badlands…


  4. ALICIA363 Life is to be lived, and you’re doing it! Hugs, hugs, hugs all around!

  5. Another one I somehow missed and am late responding to. All these photos look like places I've been in childhood! It's funny how one becomes impressed with places one visits after having read about them in the school room... I was blown away by the Delaware River, and Washington's Crossing State park, which were childhood memories for my husband. I imagine the same must be true for folks from either coast visiting our neck of the woods.

    Hope those medical issues are all in the rearview and you have a great holiday season!

    1. It's funny, Washington State Park, among other Revolutionary sites, is a skip and a jump from where we are. We consider them local parks and worthy of a trail walk occasionally. Sometimes it pays to ponder your local history.


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