
At our dinner table today we will ask each other what we are thankful for. There will be some usual responses and this year with a twist.

I am thankful for tissues bought at a big box store and for ample supplies of cold remedies.

I am thankful I got my boosters and flu shot (although it didn't stop this plague) and that a high fever does not accompany this virus. 

I am thankful that three other people besides me are doing that gross nose snorting that makes everyone say 'eww'. Additionally I am thankful no one has yet blown their nose and said 'Eww, look at this'.

I am thankful for faking the energy to make breakfast cinnamon rolls from scratch starting at 5 am this morning knowing I will not be able to smell them.

As I look at the monumental task of still creating a feast for four out of all the food purchased before the cloud of doom settled into our bodies, I am thankful that I should be able to get my tablemates to clean up!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Janet! A thousand gold stars on the cinnamon rolls because 5 am is above and beyond everything.

  2. Awwww... and I'm thankful that you retain your sense of humor through it all. Virtual antiseptic hugs to you, and a fantasy medal for heroic efforts in the kitchen.

    This morning I got a phone call from the mythical son that started out "I have some bad news". Oh, my Gawd. The last phone call I received that started with those words were from my niece, three years and a few months ago, notifying me of my brother's passing. I was scared to the pit of my stomach, afraid he was going to tell me of his father's health, life, or death... but "phew!" it was ONLY that a close work contact had tested positive for Covid.

    Who views this kind of news with relief? I mean, really! BUT, all five of us who plan to gather took home tests this morning, and we are all negative and symptom free, all with vaccines on board for both Covid and flu... fully boosted, et. al. So we decided, since we all follow the Osterholm protocols, we are OK with the level of risk to gather this afternoon as planned.

    The pies are in the oven. Happy Thanksgiving, and healthy wishes for all!

    1. Sigh of relief here, too! Two years ago having a coworker with covid would have sent all of us into isolation.

    2. You'll love this one. Saturday morning I got a phone call from my kid sis Alicia, and she started it with the phrase "Everything is FINE!" Of course I assumed she had read my blog that talked about the phone call from my son, but she had not. She starts every phone call she initiates this way because of her daughter's generation. Apparently the upcoming generation assume if there is a live phone call, not a text, it's going to be bad news.

  3. Awwww, hope that you're feeling better. Life never stops, no matter what, does it!

    Hope you have a good Thanksgiving despite the plague! Hope you're feeling better.


  4. So sorry to hear that you got the plague. It sucks but your attitude is great as always. I think of you almost every day and really miss you. I'm thankful you are still alive. And that you can still make cinnamon rolls at 5a.m. I don't think I could every make cinnamon rolls at 5a.m. Maybe not even all day. I had to be at work at 5a.m. at the last job I worked at. I try to never see 5a.m. now if I can avoid it. We are still using the strict Covid protocol thanks to Benny's cancer. No choice. Luv ya.

  5. Late reading up - sorry to hear y’all caught the plague, although it sounds as if you’ve got things well in hand… ❤️💕

    1. (Dunno why Google doesn’t like me this AM but it’s Val 😊)


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