Dear Diary,

Missed you! I've not been of a mind to post anything.

I purchased several of the books OKM was reading as we have similar tastes. I dove into the Fast. Feast. Repeat. book and read it from cover to cover. It was a better read for me than Bright Line Eating, I feel both authors put too much personality in them. I'm a more scientific approach, give me the facts, girl. To me Thompson comes on a bit haughty, Stephens' writing puts me in a 6th grade classroom. Sigh. I've gotten over myself.

Just when I hit my 2 week attempt at IF, I spent multiple weeks in the throes of diverticulitis with a few days R&R in the hospital. I called them my spa days. Didn't have to care for DH and didn't care that I couldn't. The only thing missing was a mud pack and a massage. Their kitchen choices were not up to my standards even on a clear liquid diet. My martini was missing. Morphine is nice.

I've never been cursed with this before, I've considered my digestive system one of steel. The precipitation for my demise into this netherworld was most likely my food choice on our anniversary lunch. Burger with fried green tomato and maybe it had bacon? cheese? I was going all out as it was my party meal and only one for the day. Onion rings that tasted like heaven for the first few became less appealing as they cooled and I realized they were rings of grease-soaked batter. Yep, I ate them anyway. The rebellion started that night and it it's been a 3 week battle. I've swallowed more antibiotics in these weeks than I've had on 10 years.

Never fear, I'm on the road to recovery. Clear liquids have been replaced with soft, bland stuff. Who knew jasmine rice, green beans and a touch of finely chopped meat all sloshing in a broth would taste so good? ALL of my favorite food have been removed. I whined to my doc on Friday. I'm practically a vegetarian, nothing 'white', bean-eating machine. I got a pat on the arm and a 'go slowly' talk as well as a horror story if I don't. 

I'll live to tell another tale. I'm off to another doctor appointment, this also kicked off cardiac stuff. Yay, me! 


  1. Oh my! So sorry to hear you were in hospital. Oh my, yes, the missing martini is not nice, but, when needed, the Morphine helps!

    Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, though. Diverticulitis is NOT fun.

    And good heavens! Sorry it kicked off cardiac stuff. Good luck to you.

    Yes. Susan Pierce Thompson is a bit ‘full of herself’. Some of her ideas are good, but have to remove them, sometimes, form the way she presents them.

    Ah, well, hope you continue on the road to recovery!


  2. Oh, dear! I made it to 99 days on IF before I hit the wall and rebellion set in. I thought three days of rebellion was enough and I'd hop back on, but "easier said than done". So sorry your body has been giving you a hard time, but glad you are recovering.

    I never did get Thompson's book, her v-logs were enough off-putting for me. But what the two approaches have in common is that rigid "rule-set", I thought about Bright lines when I was doing the IF thing... some bright lines were blurred in it, others sharper.

    Anyway, hope you continue to get better and "live to tell tales"!

  3. Glad to ‘see’ you; so sorry the circumstances. Easy does it!

  4. I have always been a Fast, Feast, Repeat kind of person really. Since childhood as we didn't have set meal times. Bright Line Eating would not work for me. Too much fruit and grains.

    Yikes on your medical problems. I have had diverticulitis attacks too and unless you have had one you have no idea how bad they can be. Feels like your guts have been boiled in oil. I am glad you are on the road to recovery. I get lots of fiber in now. Almost always. And can still eat kind of the way I want to. Some Keto breads have no carbs and tons of fiber so I can still have some bread even with my diabetes.

    1. I really don't like much fruit and have to be coaxed to eat it. I'm a veggie girl. Boiled in oel is right!

    2. I often now get in 30 gms or more of carbs a day. Never less than 20 and only rarely that low. Veggies should be the basis of every diet. So healthy. You will do okay.

    3. Doing ok on the diet. Still trying to fight symptoms

    4. It takes a while for your gut to heal. I should have said 30gms or more of fiber a day. Not carbs. I eat around 75 to 100gms of carbs a day. I must admit that I am sick of dieting and don't have a choice. I'm tired of heaping on more medical problems. At some point as you age all you have left to look forward to is food and then you can't have that either. It sucks!

  5. Ugh! Sorry to hear about these health issues... I **THOUGHT** I had braised myself a nice healthy beef shank yesterday - collagen! gelatin! etc, but my own stomach felt iffy this morning. Thankfully better now - but similar to your misery, I can't eat the deep-fried delights with abandon anymore


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