
Showing posts from August, 2023
 I've read up to page 89 in the Trump deposition from the NY case being presented Letisha James. 😱😱😱 My head hurts. I used it as dramatic reading material for my DH and had him in stitches. I suggest everyone read just a bit. Really.
This Echinacea popped up in my flower bed this week. I'm enjoying it's uniqueness among the other colors. I love it when plants do their own thing! Years ago I planted mums at my front entrance and opted for all white. Then this happened. This particular flower had a few petals that were evenly split between the white and yellow. There were a few fully yellow flowers as well on the white bush. Nice! I like being unique, too. 😉   Several weeks ago I was the painter and carpenter. Last week I was the plumber and doctor as DH needed some care; it happens occasionally. Heck, the man is now 8 years past his surgery!  I'm acting as the travel agent, booking rooms and finding things to do on our road trip through some of middle America in a few weeks.  As always I'm the investigative genealogist working on projects. I've gotten myself deep into the US Black Heritage Project on WikiTree searching and transcribing records and building family trees for formerly enslaved pers...
 A small note. My cardiology visit was awesome. The medications are working so well that I had no episodes of any of the problems in the 7 days. Carotid scan perfectly normal. I can go on being me for a long time. 😁 Be afraid, be very afraid! LOL Today DH and (mostly) I took the tank off the toilet and rebuilt the insides. It was a new way for me to pray to the porcelain gods. Crescent wrench in hand, I tightened the nuts on the underside of the tank with my face planted on the very cleaned, yet, mentally gross place between the seat hinges, tank and seat. Next time I get a plumber. Toilet works like a charm. DH is proud. I'm still grossed out.
 Not much new here! I have made peace with the deer as her home(s) were demolished a few weeks ago. One abandoned house will be torn down, the yard was eviscerated. The other abandoned home is getting spruced up and there's too much activity there for her to rest. If a deer could have and expression on it's face, (really, have you ever looked at those expressionless faces?) this one was shocked the day they bulldozed the yard she raised her twins in so nicely. I also found a temporary turn-off to her eating my plants. Coffee grounds. I sprinkled the damp grounds on the leaves of her favorite plants. She only nibbled on the cucumber flowers and skipped the squashes! I've used this for three weeks and no snacking. The plants seem fine with this and I've harvested more zucchini and now have 4 hefty butternut squash ripening in the bushes of healthy, uneaten leaves. It's not been a year for my pool like 2022 was; hot for 2 months. We've had enough rain that my yard ...
 About time for another blog! I am used to the look of my house, and nod my head in the affirmative when I walk on the carpeting. A job well done. About me. Long story short, my cardiologist yelled at me at my routine visit.  I told him had had a small dark spot about the size of a small grain of rice on my ring finger for over a year. I thought it was a small varicosity and I would habitually run my thumbnail over it,  remarking Hmmm? DH had seen it plenty of times; we even tried passing light around it wondering if I'd gotten some object shoved under the skin. 3-4 weeks ago, while I was painting/ladder climbing,  I pinched that finger when I picked up the recycling can and bruised the area. In the same time frame I had headaches, kept losing things and had one day where I had trouble putting college level sentences together. Paint fumes, I claimed. Fatigue from all the work, and it WAS a lot of work. I lost my car keys for two days. I noticed the dark spot was gone...