Not much new here!

I have made peace with the deer as her home(s) were demolished a few weeks ago. One abandoned house will be torn down, the yard was eviscerated. The other abandoned home is getting spruced up and there's too much activity there for her to rest. If a deer could have and expression on it's face, (really, have you ever looked at those expressionless faces?) this one was shocked the day they bulldozed the yard she raised her twins in so nicely.

I also found a temporary turn-off to her eating my plants. Coffee grounds. I sprinkled the damp grounds on the leaves of her favorite plants. She only nibbled on the cucumber flowers and skipped the squashes! I've used this for three weeks and no snacking. The plants seem fine with this and I've harvested more zucchini and now have 4 hefty butternut squash ripening in the bushes of healthy, uneaten leaves.

It's not been a year for my pool like 2022 was; hot for 2 months. We've had enough rain that my yard is lush without attention and the days have been cloudy/hazy/rainy that I've not gone in much. Nothing like thunder in the distance to keep me out! Now the nights are cool and temperatures dropping so I suspect we'll cover the pool on Labor Day.

Speaking of time flying by...

My first grandson becomes a teenager in 2 weeks! Remember this guy?

Just woke up!

Here he is holding a cousin while his two siblings look on at great grand nana's 90th birthday. They've all grown!

That's pretty much all I've got for now. Cardiology visit this week to go over all the danged tests I've had done and then a 3 week road trip to parts of the USA I've never seen. I'm hoping the climate, weather and political, will be conducive to a good drive!


  1. OMG... teenaged grandchildren! I'm going to have to pay attention as two of my sisters are about to enter that category, too. Grandmothers of teenagers!

    Good luck at the cardiologist! Headed over to the optometrist in less than an hour, myself. We'll see what he can do for me further, but so far, I'm still pretty happy!

  2. Oh, I just remembered... I saw a video yesterday of a fawn being rescued. I never knew what sound deer made, but this little one, in the rescue vehicle was bleating, like a lamb or a kid!

  3. Poor deer. We have a mama and her 2 babies who are here every day in the yard. Mostly eating acorns and nuts.

    With so many homeless people it's a shame to me to see houses torn down. I hate seeing people laying on benches in front of the library. I think they need to be forced into treatment. Aren't I nice? LOL. In my defense, we have one of them in the family and he is a menace to himself and a danger to others. These people often are crazy or drug addicts or both and end up costing the tax payers a fortune to take care of them in prison where the guards are pelted with feces and in danger. Yes, forced treatment.

    Sad about the pool. The reason hubby won't let me have one is he says the weather is too goofy here. It is but I love a pool.

    The grand kids are adorable! As always. They will be married before you know it! LOL.

    I hope the cardiologist is good news. Enjoy your trip. We are busy with tons of medical appointments!

    1. You'd not want to get near this house. It's infested with all kinds of rodents and bugs. We are on standby for the day the dozer comes to see what comes out. It's a hoarder house and only recently abandoned.
      I think of you guys often and hope you are finding some good medicine.

    2. We have our fair share of bugs and rodents and have to deal with them. Nothing like that house probably has though. No rats. No bats. No feral cats. No cockroaches. Hopefully the vermin won't head your way. Thanks for the best wishes! Send a prayer for us. Benny has 3 appointments in 24 hours. Exhausting. Love you!

  4. Coffee grounds . . . who woulda thought that would deter the deer from snacking.

    OHhhhhh my. Teenage grandson. Handsome dude!

    I hope that your cardiology visit goes well. And have a GREAT (and safe) road trip!



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