A small note.

My cardiology visit was awesome. The medications are working so well that I had no episodes of any of the problems in the 7 days. Carotid scan perfectly normal. I can go on being me for a long time.


Be afraid, be very afraid! LOL

Today DH and (mostly) I took the tank off the toilet and rebuilt the insides. It was a new way for me to pray to the porcelain gods. Crescent wrench in hand, I tightened the nuts on the underside of the tank with my face planted on the very cleaned, yet, mentally gross place between the seat hinges, tank and seat. Next time I get a plumber.

Toilet works like a charm. DH is proud. I'm still grossed out.


  1. LOL! You are a hero. But still, next time you'll hire one!

    I'm lazy. Any more, I hire them right off the bat.

    Congrats on the good cardio checkup. Be you!

  2. So happy that your cardio visit went well and that the med is working. Blessings!

    Yup . . . I'm @ the stage where I just call in the expert. Not going to chance a problem! You are excellent to have accomplished that rebuild!


  3. Great news from the cardiologist!

    I always worry about toilet issues as we have only one bathroom, unlike most people. I had a friend who had to move to assisted living due to plumbing problems. Not what I want at all. You did awesome!! I want to be you when and if I ever grow up.

    1. I'm afraid I will have to grow up soon. I/hubby are running out of time.

  4. Fantastic news! and you go girl, on your plumbing repairs. I will be worshipping at my own porcelain throne when they get our new toilet installed at the clinic (nowadays our euphemism is "Visiting our friends at the library")


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