Hello friends,

I have read all your posts and am happy, concerned, empathetic and sympathetic to all that's going on. I didn't post on many, I would rather say "hello to all and love you bunches" as my internet friends. 

I have returned from a three week road trip through 10 states and I'm dog-tired. Yes, I have plenty of photos and a good portion of them are of my man doing dumb things, like getting into and out of an Apollo space capsule or posing next to various statues. He's so much fun, that's why I keep him!

My overall impression is that most businesses in the southern states take pride in their properties compared to those in my own northeastern states. How funny is it that my BIL and I both wanted to take pictures in a grocery store as we had never seen a floor so polished and clean? Rest rooms off the highways were usually mom-with-children clean. 

The exception was the hotels we utilized. I paid a pretty penny for places that turned out to be run-down and sketchy. These were mid to upper level chain hotels (Hilton, Marriot). I've already written reviews and complained to managements about conditions in some. Makes me want to get a travel trailer for any other road trips. I came home with no diseases or critters so in the end I survived. My BIL and his wife may never be the same. 😏

I'm catching up with everything and will post some pictures and get in touch with you all in a few!


  1. Woo-hoo to "home with no diseases or critters"! I have to smile at "that's why I keep him" even while reviewing the good times / years with my ex, who is having a birthday today. You nudged my memory cells about the difference in cleanliness standards in various parts of the country. I was disappointed with the Northeast grocery stores having moved there from here.

    I shall await those photos and the stories that go with them.

  2. So glad you had a good road trip. I can only imagine after 10 days on the road you’re BEAT!

    OH my! Shocked that Hilton and Marriot hotel chains were run-down and sketchy. Makes me wonder what the OTHER hotel chains would be like. Glad you wrote about your experiences. Maybe they’ll up the game .. . maybe.

    Glad you had fun w/DH, too. That’s important. And kudos on getting home w/no diseases or critters! You did well.



  3. The photos sound awesome. So does the trip. On my bucket list was to visit every state but Alaska and Hawaii by vehicle. Not going to happen when you are married to someone like Benny. I did manage to see 20 of them, though I was only 8 when we took Rte 66 from home to L.A. I only remember a few select things. We came home a different northern route. Interesting about cleanliness. In my area the kitchens of fast food restaurants and interstate convenience store bathrooms are abysmal. Here your best for a clean restroom is a library or pharmacy. As far as motels, I always had someone from the area actually go to them to see what they really were like and, when my son was having a friend come here, I personally went to the hotels and motels here to see what they were like. In one hotel the non-smoking room reeked like an ashtray. I could barely breathe. The best here was the Marriot. So I am surprised by your info. I no longer can abide staying in motels or hotels though. As Benny will tell you, the first thing I did when we went to them was clean them.


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