A habit I'd like to break.

Three years in a row, ladies. I seem to get Covid every May since it was invented. I guess I skipped the first year because I was so isolated. Perhaps I need a booster every six months; my last was October 2023.

This particular brand of Covid is a doozy; fever malaise, grumpiness. I've had a nasty headache off and on since Monday, sinuses which flowed with liquid and slowly tapered off by today. This is the first time I've had my smell and taste senses affected. Cinnamon mage me gag, my lemon-ginger tea has no odor or bite although I added sweetener that I can pick up. Coffee is bleh. Most food has no discernable flavor and the more spice, like in the meatballs I had made, the more off-putting the taste. I have a constant sense that I chewed an aspirin. 

Since I'm in that co-morbidity group, my doc prescribed Paxlovid. I guess it's helped. Acetaminophen is my best friend. Second-best friend is naps.

My traveling daughter, her spouse and in-laws went to Mexico for a week and returned home last Friday. They spent the entire day in my company including a 2 hour car ride. Son-in-law tested positive and daughter feels icky. They blame it on me as I sat in a waiting room of people while DH got an x-ray last Wednesday. I blame it on them, obviously for the trip. Mexican flu. 

This too, shall pass.


  1. OH my! So sorry to hear you have Covid. Yes, this Flirt virus variant is whacking many with it's long list of symptoms. I sure hope that the Paxlovid helps AND hope your family also gets better. I am telling you, sitting in a Drs. office waiting room is like being in a Petrie dish!

    Healing thoughts and virtual hugs

  2. Yikes!!!! I am sending a prayer for you to have a speedy recovery. We have had it twice now, though we never go anywhere unmasked and we are one of a few patients and family who even wear masks at the oncology center. Some of the staff wear masks when they are infectious but they still come to work sick as a dog. The patients and family come in hacking their heads off, spewing contagions, without a thought for the fact they they most likely will kill someone. You would think people so vulnerable would wear masks but it is considered evil in my area. A sign of not believing in God and/or of being a bad voter. Hubby is very high risk with his low WBC and low platelets while having been radiated and now having chemo while being on steroids, and taking a bone marrow stimulator med. I am also considered immune compromised, though at lesser risk, due to age, R.A., asthma, and diabetes though my issues to be under control except the aging which I have not been able to stop. LOL. The last time we got Covid it affected my sense of taste and smell. I'm tired of Covid and I want a permanent vaccine. I want our leaders and researchers to stop their frigging mouse studies and make that vaccine. The first time we got Covid hubby brought it home from work and gave it to me. The second time I got it first as I was sitting in a waiting room with an old geezer, not even a patient, sitting 2 feet away from me, coughing constantly without bothering to cover his mouth. I thought about getting up to leave but, on second, thought, i should have gotten up and punched the old f-er's lights out. Who knows where YOU got this junk. It looks like prevention is going to have to be the key. If you or hubby add anything else to your sick old geezer list like we have then please wear a mask and get a t-shirt that says, "We're immune-suppressed. Get over it! F. O.!"

    1. We have actually been told by ignorant A-Holes that we don't need to wear a mask and I will spare you what I tell them which isn't very nice. It starts out with, "My husband has metastatic cancer and I'm a retired critical care nurse and know more than anyone who needs to wear a mask................" Then I start my HELPFUL critique of THEM. LOL. 98% of them are embarrassed as they well should be. Lay people need to mind their own business. Get well soon!!!

  3. Glad to see you were at least functional enough to post a blog entry! I think about you daily and keep on sending prayers, 'cause that's how I cope with such things. Keep on that path of recovery and I hope you're in the clear soon! (BTW, I had my last booster for Covid two weeks ago, on the same day Ember got her Rabies shot.)

    Antiseptic internet hugs,
    - Barb

  4. Oh No! I had been away awhile and catching up on my reading list. Oh I hope that your taste returns soon. My SIL had that when she came down with COVID. Hugs hugs and wishing you a speedy recovery.

  5. I'm sorry you were exposed to this "Mexican flu" - you saw on my blog that Z's fiancee brought back the SC strain from her bachelorette trip the weekend before last... Ugh! She fell ill 48 hrs after her return, Zach got sick 48 hrs after her stint at urgent care, but so far I may have dodged this bullet. I was joking with Z that I was gonna wear one of those "plague doctor" masks with the long beak so I can deliver his BD gifts! GET WELL SOON!


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