I knew it! Here's my doe, eating the inkberry bushes and looking into the bedroom yesterday in the middle of the day.

First she was peeking around the back DH's SUV and startled us as we were working in the garage. I think were were more surprised than she was. I normally name all of my outdoor animals but haven't given her a moniker; she's just 'the deer'. 

I opened the shades this morning around six this morning and there she was again...with her fawn!

By the time I got my phone, they had left my yard. I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities in the next few weeks.

We are putting the finishing touches on my garden fence posts today and should have the fence hung by the end of the day. I feel bad for her but I ddin't plant all those veggies for her! She can eat the hostas. They grow back.


  1. Aww, lovely urban wildlife. Hope the garden fence is too tall to jump!

  2. What a lovely picture of the doe and the doe w/her fawn! Sweet.


  3. Yep, that is one of them. Her baby is very new. They are kind of cute but they can tear up a lot of stuff. Ours like to look at us through the bedroom window too like we are some kind of still life. I like their eye lashes but they need to leave my feeders and vegetation alone. We had to fence our garden in too as we have herds of them here.

  4. Dumb question: does it drive Chewie nuts when the deer approach the house? Beautiful photos!


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