Things are looking up.

Over 12 feet to be exact! The biggest one is yellow and it's got about 6 flowers at the top. More pictures will follow as time goes by.

The second tallest flowering plant is the dark reds and orange sunflower. I haven't taken a single picture that doesn't have bees. I'm very happy.

Unfortunately after a week of rain and wind, the orange sunflower has leaned out over the fencing and I can now touch the flowers. 

Speaking of rain, when it rains, it pours, or in this case, doesn't flow at all!
We needed a sewer line replacement.

DH is the job supervisor in black!

The guys did a great job and were done in 5 hours. This is what was left. 

The other casualty was my roses. Here they are in 2012. This guy turns 14 next month!

Finally, another bit of plumbing was unclogged on Wednesday. My honey had a stent put into his heart in the "widow-maker" artery. He feels fine, but no different which may be a good thing. He's got a lot of new medications and a really crappy report from the procedure. Severe heart disease was the final conclusion.  Hopefully the drugs will help clean out what the doctor called cement in all his arteries. We will treat him as we normally do, change his diet a bit and continue to have fun. 


  1. Those grandchildren that are now teenagers just blow me away. Sorry about the roses, but glad you were able to get the sewer line repaired. Very glad your DH got that internal plumbing taken care of, too. Keep having fun, because we just don't know the quantity of life, but we have a LOT of say over the quality. And hopefully, "see you next month"!

    1. Thanks, we will be there with bells on. Looking forward to lunching with you and Ace! I'll message you soon.

  2. I absolutely never knew there were re and orange sunflowers. Beautiful!

    OHhhhhhh noooooo! What a monster job . . . a sewer line replacement. Glad the guys were done in 5 hrs. PHEW.

    OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH NOOOOOO!!! Glad that DH was able to have a stent placed. Yes, they don’t call that area the widow maker for nothing. Yes, hope the combo of meds and dietary changes help! Blessings.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs and health


  3. I sent a response to this yesterday and it isn't showing up.

  4. I'll try this again though I am getting p.o. at this site.

    Loved the 12 footers! Especially the orange red one.

    Good to have a new sewer line. We need a new roof and septic tank but Benny puts everything off. He would probably enjoy supervising but is cheap. And cranky.

    I hate to see roses die. We almost bought home my MIL's roses when she died but didn't want to disturb the landscaping as we thought it would be unkind to the future buyers. The creeps who bought the house immediately tore the fantastic roses out and tossed them on the curb. We should have known as the trashy people had a skull on everything they owned.

    Love the picture of the tiny ball-hugger. So cute.

    You are right-on in the approach to taking care of your hubby. I hate to hear it but we are both in the same boat.

  5. When the house up the hill was sold, she took out the cacti & planted Knockout roses which have been absolutely decimated by these past couple of summer’s heat waves - it is sad to witness.
    OTOH, it’s pretty much survival of the fittest down here at my farmhouse, but my crepe myrtles & cedar trees are hanging tough!


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