Oh, dear, dear diary.

It's been a few days since I posted my quest to improve. After my last post there was a flurry of activity in my area.

One night my man collapsed in the powder room; got up too fast and went down when his BP bottomed out. He put his head and shoulder through the wall and banged various parts in the process. Long story short, he's fine and even went to the gym 2X this week. Learned he can't jump up from bed which is something I am guilty of as well. Old dogs, new tricks.

Today we fairly completed the repair. I'll finish the fine details then paint. This drew the completion of another small project in the powder room and it will look newly enhanced. Busy!

Everyone around us seems to have some cough or sneeze. Two of my grands have ear infections; odd because they are older. One of these viruses going around causes good clogging in Eustachian tubes, I guess. I feel healthy as a horse! I still mask in crowded places.

The IF is going well, my food choices slacked in wellness with DH's fall. My nerves were shot for a few days and my sleep was off. Today was a new day and even tomorrow will be better.

I hope all is well in the rest of the blogishpere!


  1. Keep on masking, and keep away from the coughing, sneezing hoards!

    What a load of drama with DH and the dizzy spell. Glad he's OK, and it was just that old "positional vertigo", I presume?

    Completed repairs and a refresh in the process... awesome! Even if your food choices slacked, if you kept the fasting hours going, you're doing OK. There is no wagon to climb on or fall off, according to the book I last read on the topic!

    All's well here, and I'm breathing a sigh for the arrival of the weekend! We are supposed to see 50 F over the weekend, although Friday is still cloudy and chill.

    1. Yes, simply getting up too fast.
      Colder here today although I walked. I found a new way in my development that isn't as elevation-challenged. Nice walk and so far no hamstring complaints!

    2. Well, that story was scary as Heck. So glad his hubby's head is okay. Like Benny, he must be a hard-head. LOL. I recently have been sitting on the side of the bed when I get up too.

      Benny and I are the Lone Rangers in this area. Often the only ones masked. We neither one feel we can risk getting anything else.

      I am dealing with some sciatica which let up today. No rest for the wicked.

    3. LOL. Still hobbling around here like a 70 year old. I wanted better at 70. LOL.

  2. Yikes! I am way way WAY late on catching myself up on your latest blog entries (about 6 wks to be exact) - what a bad friend I am!!!


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