Hello, dear diary!
It's 11 days since I last posted and so much has occurred.

The man is repairing nicely. His back still bothers him, but why should he see a doctor? Just because he collapsed in the middle of the night and put his head (and shoulder) through the wall? Nah, he'll be fine.

Except for painting, that wall is now completely repaired due to my construction skills. In the words of the emergency services people with the green colored vans, it's if 'It never happened"..... 

Before: After

For self-punishment, I decided we can finish a small project of creating a soffit in this 1/2 bath to cover a vent. "Back in the day" this would have been done in two days, tops. It's going on 2 weeks.

There are some things to be said for being 20 years older than the last time we tackled a project like this:

No one is going to razz you for taking a rest break. It's even encouraged.

Naps are ok, too.

Work times starts about and hour before lunch, then there's a lunch break. Since seniors shouldn't work so hard immediately after a meal, there's the aforementioned rest/nap. 

We are smart enough now for work-arounds to avoid some physical work (let the guy at the store cut the wood and give him a tip).

Accept mistakes and cover them up. How did we miss measuring the height of a board then forget to add in the thickness of the opposing piece? That's what wood trim is for. It's wasn't in the plan, but now it is.

I'm getting my steps in, walking back and forth from the room to the workshop where I sand and sand to adjust the edges then back to test-fit. Some stairs are showing on my tracker as I'm up and down the ladder.

The scale has been neutral. I'm eating from stress then working it off!

Enjoy the day!


  1. Good work, team! On all fronts! This adjusting and the waves of body energy and strength have been observed on this end in the energy for the snow clearing work. Of course, the weather being milder than some of the nastier temperatures and wind chills of Januarys past has helped a lot. Sunday I cleared in just two sessions, as opposed to the five I took on Thursday.


    1. It's good honest work. I've always liked shoveling.

  2. OH my! Glad DH wasn't hurt badly. My DH fell on 05 January and ended up w/a reverse shoulder replacement on 16 January . . . on the recuperation side now, so at least that's good news.

    Like you, I am giving myself grace getting things done. Priority items get done, the rest . . . guess they'll wait for next time!

    Great job on the repair!


  3. I wish I had your skills. Good job on the repair! I have been very careful of late to not bolt out of bed any more. I am taking my time and tying to keep my head out of walls. It's a big job.

  4. There's times I WANT to put my head through the wall.

  5. Your repair looks fabulous - wish I could have ya down at my place ;-)


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