We're havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave♬♫♪

The 90's are not welcome for the plants or animals. Or people for that matter. I don't do well in the air quality alerts so I stay in, except for a bit of gardening and of course, running in my pool. It's turned to walking! The water temperature is hovering between 92 and 98! How the heck can you enjoy water like that except as a spa for AFTER exercising! I haven't gone in before 3pm and I only stay in for an hour; it's enough since I'm back to the gym again.

My garden is stuffed with goodies  

and The Deer has not been able to eat any. I feel bad , but not bad. She can have my hostas, and after my last post she did sample one. She's been leaving her kids on the front lawn of the home across from me. I've seen them stay there all morning. Today it was the two-headed deer.

They snuggled together to create a monster! I named them after my two kids and they've kept up my expectations. DD1 sits daintily, not moving for hours, while DD2 scampers around peeping into bushes and the road, then literally high tails it back to it's designated spot before mom comes back!

There's not much else going on except a plethora of doctor visits between the two of us. In order to reach maximum old age, we've been subjected to tests and scans for things that appeared odd on other tests and scans. Had we been the typical medical adverse persons, we never would have found these things, maybe until it was too late and we were too ill. Treated or watched early, we'll live to be 100 or thereabout. Unfortunately we've started to delve into the 9/11 first responders information for DH who was at Ground Zero on the day of. We're good!

Here's a picture for OKM who is dealing with her own chewer. My granddog, Winnie, was left alone too long one day.

My daughter stuffed it all back in the cushion and turned it over!


  1. Holy sauna! Yes, that’s warm for a pool!

    I know. Amazing how the calendar, post retirement is full – of Dr. appointments! But, best to stay healthy!

    OH NO! Not good, Winnie! *SIGH*

    Good luck w/all your garden treats!


  2. LOL! I have a couch and a wing chair that Diamond (yes, that long ago) de-stuffed. I did the same as your daughter, later adding slip covers and pet protectors. You simply cannot leave an energetic but bored dog alone! As I learn over and over again, but end up forgiving her, anyway, because... how can you not?

  3. Hopefully I can post to this today as I have not been able to.

    The 90s here certainly do suck. Nonstop heat and humidity and way too soon for us. We are having late July and early August weather. So hot here that gardening amounts to watering and any outdoor chores are done early, if at all.

    Love the garden and the baby deer. My hostas are covered with netting as, after the rampage the deer did 2 years ago, I am not going to go through that again. They ate them to the ground and killed some of them.

    Winnie is a very bad girl. LOL.

    I have no time for any medical appointments thanks to hubby. He had 8 in May and probably as many this month. Chemo was on Wednesday. Takes at least 3 trips there - labs prior to chemo, chemo day, IV fluids 2 days after. Not including prep at home. He is feeling a little better today.

    1. Grrr. The deer ate 3 of my impatiens yesterday. I only have 6.


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