It feels like not much is going on in OJ's world, yet I'm busy. 

After we both got past the "snowing tissues" phase of covid, we started working on projects once more. Time was of the essence in completing my garden fencing as The Deer supplied us with two offspring as I suspected. She looked way too tired and thin for just one fawn. 

One is independent and scampers all around while the other sticks next to mom. I caught the independent one in the road, drinking water from a puddle while mom and sibling were in a back yard! Mentally I've named them after my two kids. I could have put my elder child in a room full of nails and she wouldn't have touched one. The younger would have built a house and stuffed a few in her ears and nose. Ah, I remember the Christmas tinsel in the nostril episode... but I digress!

So far she's not visited my back yard to feast on the hostas.

DH and I struggled to complete the garden fence, or Boarder Wall, as he's named it. We'd put the posts in, two or three a day. One neighbor came over after watching us struggle and pounded a few in. We were taken aback as he's rather ill himself but younger. Then our new neighbor, a 30-something  guy with energy gave us a hand with a few more. It took three more days to attach the fencing and even the clip on lights were a struggle! But here it is...

There's a 2 foot perimeter around the garden and several ways to get in thanks to Velcro ties. Since I took this picture, maybe a week ago, the plants have doubled in size thanks to no nibbling. The lights are to announce the height so if The Deer gets any ideas, she'll know it's too small a space to try to jump in. I hope!

Also deterred were these guys who were lounging next to the Boarder Wall.

They've dug a tunnel under a massive thyme bush a few feet away. I've filled it in twice so I think it's a hiding place more than nesting.

The gardener in me is happy to report a load of honey bees on the clover and thyme. Several years ago I had to play mother nature with a paint brush and hand fertilize some of my plants as there were so few bees!

Today there's a large party for my grandkids to celebrate milestones: 8th and 5th grade graduations, confirmation and first communion. My daughter must be getting older as her eldest heads to high school this fall!

 A Happy Father's Day to the men in your lives. Happy first day of summer and Juneteenth as well.


  1. Love the photos of the "border wall". Hope it keeps the plants safe, but it's great you can still watch the little ones "do their thing" as they grow.

    I remember my dad teaching us about how to pollinate the plants, on purpose. It was because his dad was an iris fancier, who cross-bred them and even registered some. My elder sister is the family custodian of his heritage iris.

    Congrats to your grandchildren on their milestones. I seem to remember it being a big deal moving on to the next level school... a bit scary, too.

    Here's wishing health and progress to you and yours as we turn the page into Summer. Happy Father's Day to the dads in your tribe, too. BTW, "the kids" have filled out their last foster parenting paperwork, and it's now in the hands of DHHS to determine if they are approved for their licensure.

  2. I look for the zany, smiling, pretty blonde to show up every day and I am finally rewarded for my loyalty and effort.

    The last time we had "something" viral I went through 2 large boxes of tissues in 2 days and then hubby caught the virus and did the same. Never seen so much snot. The only difference is that he threw a fit as he is a man and it is beneath men to have nose problems like that. Outrageous to subject a man to this kind of nonsense!

    Love that fence! Take that, you deer!! So glad the neighbors helped you. Our male and female neighbors are lazy pieces of excrement. Would never help.

    Our neighbor is raising honey bees!! So that helps us a bunch because pollinators here are not what they once were. Farmers have ceased to grow crops here this year. We have a giant solar farm taking over everything. We can hear them installing it way too close to us.

    We seem to get a lot of twin fawns too.We seldom see any bunnies here - too many predators. We are dealing with other unknown "predators". Hubby is sick and lazy and left 2 bags of dog food in the back of the truck on Wednesday, which I told him not to, and found today on Saturday that someone had opened one, eaten some, and puked in the back of the truck. He is hysterical, which he mostly is these days due to steroids, and is channeling Rambo. He has vowed vengeance so he is going to connect his motion-detecting water-sprayer he is rigging up to drown their brazen butts. The heat index is over 100. They will probably just take well-enjoyed shower baths and send us their regards. It keeps him busy though and out of my gray hair.

  3. Glad you’re over Coivid. Long haul!

    Glad you got your deer-proofing done! They are cute to look at, but destructive. That’s nice that you and DH had help from the neighbors.

    Oh have fun at the family celebration. Yup . . . how do these kids age so quickly and we don’t. . . BWAHAHAHA. If only, right!?!

    Happy Father’s Day to your DH and son-in-laws.


  4. ALICIA363

    Tinsel in the nose and border wall - roflmao 🤣 You’re doing plenty, too! I love the time before summer solstice when my energy peaks. Always wishing others’ wasn’t as well 😂 Ah, being human is grand! Speaking of grands, how is one starting high school already?!? Time sure flies. Must enjoy it while we can. ❤️

  5. I joined Spark People when that teenager was just 16 months old! Imagine in 2 more years he'll be driving!
    The Deer came over the fence the same night I wrote this blog and munched on the hostas...the Border Wall held.

    1. My hostas are fenced in now to keep these boogers out.

  6. You've got jumpers there, for deer! Glad the Border Wall did its job. For now!


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