If one picture is worth a thousand words, here's 3,000

I heard the pitter patter of tiny hooves last night, not on my roof, but on my cement patio. I tried my best to protect my plants but to no avail. 

I may or may not get butternut squash from this plant. There are multiple potential female buds and if they get a chance to mature and be fertilized by the surprising abundance of bees I have this year, perhaps they will grow.

Sigh, the zucchini. In the background, right, is what's left of a zucchini she ate half. There are more underneath but it's questionable they will have enough nourishment without leaves.

Finally, I spiced up the garden to send a picture to DH when he was at a meeting. Made him laugh.

She is fearless and probably running out of food. I'll let it go this year, but next time I will have created a new garden that will be enclosed and unavailable to my nemesis.


  1. OH my goodness. Those deer are mighty hungry. **SIGH** I LOVE the Police line tape. Wish the critters could read! LOL


  2. OMG! The top two photos tell the tale, for sure! And the third one is good for a giggle!

    The weather has cooled here for the remainder of the Holiday week, and we got some "catch up" precipitation. Today the drought report comes out... and we shall see whether/how much improvement we got on tonight's news. Fingers crossed.

  3. Yes, looks very familiar. Deer - 2, Janet - 0. Brings back not-so-fond memories of last year for me and the death of so many of my hostas. Contrary to crap we are fed, plants don't always return when they are savagely eaten to the ground. Deer are cute but they be "beeches". We love them too but not in our garden. The crime scene tape was a nice addition. There is less wildlife here now but less food for those able to survive. No one but us even bothers with a garden in our area. A lot of farmers are not raising crops. In town they allow hunting due to the fact that the wildlife have been driven into town due to lack of resources out in the wild. And it's just what we need - more drunken/drugged/violent morons with guns shooting em up in the Wild, Wild South of Illinois. Benny says the motion activated sprinkler is the way too go and says to put the monofilament line closer to the fence. Maybe hang some cans on the wire and some of the panty hose filled with Dial soap pieces. They don't like running into this stuff. And, if all else fails, they are, of course,.............. edible. Not by me and/or Benny but by practically everyone around us.


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