
Showing posts from May, 2024
 A habit I'd like to break. Three years in a row, ladies. I seem to get Covid every May since it was invented. I guess I skipped the first year because I was so isolated. Perhaps I need a booster every six months; my last was October 2023. This particular brand of Covid is a doozy; fever malaise, grumpiness. I've had a nasty headache off and on since Monday, sinuses which flowed with liquid and slowly tapered off by today. This is the first time I've had my smell and taste senses affected. Cinnamon mage me gag, my lemon-ginger tea has no odor or bite although I added sweetener that I can pick up. Coffee is bleh. Most food has no discernable flavor and the more spice, like in the meatballs I had made, the more off-putting the taste. I have a constant sense that I chewed an aspirin.  Since I'm in that co-morbidity group, my doc prescribed Paxlovid. I guess it's helped. Acetaminophen is my best friend. Second-best friend is naps. My traveling daughter, her spouse and i
 I knew it! Here's my doe, eating the inkberry bushes and looking into the bedroom yesterday in the middle of the day. First she was peeking around the back DH's SUV and startled us as we were working in the garage. I think were were more surprised than she was. I normally name all of my outdoor animals but haven't given her a moniker; she's just 'the deer'.  I opened the shades this morning around six this morning and there she was again...with her fawn! By the time I got my phone, they had left my yard. I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities in the next few weeks. We are putting the finishing touches on my garden fence posts today and should have the fence hung by the end of the day. I feel bad for her but I ddin't plant all those veggies for her! She can eat the hostas. They grow back.
 Happy Wednesday evening! I've been busy. My garden is growing nicely except for the rabbits and squirrels inquisitive diggings. The squirrels have made small holes through out the dirt and tossed seedlings here and there. I have been able to replant them all with success. This will last only a few more days as they tend to not like the bigger plants, The rabbit decided it was ok to elevate 18 inches above the ground in my container and try to make a nest. Or two. Or three. I have removed all. Find another place, Thumper! Speaking of Bambi... It's apparent she gave birth recently. She's thinner than two weeks ago and is hovering around a few homes. Here she is across the street in the middle of the day. The abandoned home she used as a nursery was torn down in the fall and today they started removing the foundation so I think she stashed her fawns(s) close by. Maybe in Ruth's yard. Lots of foliage and no one home.  I found something unique when I went for bloodwork. The
 A belated Happy Mother's Day to those of you celebrating. I had a wonderful day seeing my two daughters at different times. I don't think they were avoiding each other but had different plans for different times. DD2 and her man provided a lunch of Taiwanese food which was good and very different from Thai food. I may have found a new favorite dish that was mostly dry-cooked chicken with tons of red chili slices. My family is the kingdom of spicy heat. DD1 and her spouse had us over for dinner, he's the cook. She one-upped her sister this year... see below. I have planted my new garden container. It's so full I hope everything is identifiable. Shortly we will be placing a 6ft fence all around to keep the deer out. Finally, today my man and I did his and hers cardiac stress tests. We had them laughing. He told them "I" was his stress test. Results will follow but I think we did fine. Keep in mind some of you who followed me here from Spark, my man is a man of