A belated Happy Mother's Day to those of you celebrating.

I had a wonderful day seeing my two daughters at different times. I don't think they were avoiding each other but had different plans for different times. DD2 and her man provided a lunch of Taiwanese food which was good and very different from Thai food. I may have found a new favorite dish that was mostly dry-cooked chicken with tons of red chili slices. My family is the kingdom of spicy heat. DD1 and her spouse had us over for dinner, he's the cook. She one-upped her sister this year... see below.

I have planted my new garden container. It's so full I hope everything is identifiable. Shortly we will be placing a 6ft fence all around to keep the deer out.

Finally, today my man and I did his and hers cardiac stress tests. We had them laughing. He told them "I" was his stress test. Results will follow but I think we did fine. Keep in mind some of you who followed me here from Spark, my man is a man of many things. He's gotten out his radiation detector and we've been monitoring our rads. to see if we truly could turn in Mr. and Mrs. Spiderman. Alas, the more I drink, the less radioactive I am.

Have a great week!


  1. As long as I keep seeing that active sense of humor, I don't worry about you, my friend! BTW, I swiped the photo of DD1's Mother's Day card and gift to share with my daughter in law and her folks. It resonates on so many levels... all mothers just do their best! Honesty!

    Glad you are becoming less "rad" ical!

  2. OMG! LOVE that candle! Sweet. That’s nice you saw both DDs.

    BWAHAHAHA! Little does your man know HE is the stress test. Too funny. Seriously, though, hope the tests came out well.

    Happy belated Mother’s Day.


  3. You lived a blessed life. I have not had Thai food nor Taiwanese food and living where I do I am lucky to find even "everyday" food. We have had a McDonald's close even!!! Never thought I would live to see that happen but the Taiwanese food sounds really good.

    Loved the candle!!! Good idea to nurture a healthy competition like this. LOL. You could use being fought over a little bit as you do have some excellent mothering and wifering skills.

    Hubby hung a new corn feeder for the squirrels and we immediate attracted someone, who I refer to as Fuzzy Butt. A doe who brings her posse with her and raids the feeder day and night. Benny has tried several ways to dissuade Fuzzy Butt but she is obviously smarter than him. She is 10 feet outside of our bedroom window doing her thing and doesn't seem to be bothered by him screaming through the window. So good luck with your fence while I try to persuade Benny that Fuzzy Butt is merely a fashion-forward pet, like an EXTREMELY LARGE teacup dog/pocket pet/Bengal cat .

    They are gearing up to make Benny more radioactive again. The regular chemo is not working so they are going to try another before going to targeted chemo. In the meantime the cicadas have arrived here and he is obsessed with them. The other "wildlife" are obsessed with them too only they eat them and our feed bill here has dropped to zero.

  4. Love the candle! In a decision which I’m sure was heavily influenced by his fashionista fiancé, my son got me a Kate Spade handbag. While it’s true my old leather purse is battered & worn, I am not a fashion plate! I carried it to his graduation, brought it home and re-packed it in its little fancy bag… It will be taken out only for special occasions!


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