I have become a gardener extraordinaire.

I've more tomatoes than I know how to eat and have given many away. Ditto with zucchini. I've  over a dozen jars of pickles. On and on.

Below is something I have worked hard to grow. 

I raised the first batch starting in 1980. That flower created her own batch.

My how they've grown.

The kids, I mean! The sunflowers, now over 10 feet tall, were easy in comparison.

I got them to stand still for about 3 seconds then it was over.
Some of you may remember the births of GS2 and Little Miss. GS1 starts high school this fall.

I continue to have a happy summer!


  1. NOOOOO WAY! How is it possible GS1 starts high school. *SIGH* And of course Sweet Caroline! Your grandsons are so handsome, and of course, Sweet Caroline, beautiful!

    Wow, you surely do have a green thumb! The sunflowers are amazing!

    Wishing you a fantastic time for the remaining summer! Can’t believe it’s almost AUGUST!


  2. You have been very fertile in many ways. The veggie garden looks awesome and the kids are cuter than ever. You are blessed!

  3. OMG, I remember when "little miss" was born, so tiny and perfect. Not so tiny anymore, but still perfect! The kids are going to have a six year old boy for "respite care" for another foster family this weekend. They are beyond excited, and my daughter in law put photos of all the special things they have prepared for his weekend with them.

  4. ALICIA363
    Aww ❤️❤️❤️ So beautiful! I remember Little Miss coming into this world. They all look like happy, healthy kids. Good job! Yes, sunflowers are easy by comparison. 😂

  5. OMG - but much as I told my cousin yesterday, I am FAR too young to be the mother of a 26-yr old!!! Great photos! - Val


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